20x20 "Yeah But What If It All Works Out"
A bold bouquet of pink roses set against a patterned background. Hand-painted canvas using high-quality, thick acrylic paints applied with a brush in dark grey, pink, bright green and touches of blue. Text is handpainted and reads Yeah, but what if it all works out? Each piece has been sealed. Photographed indoors and out to see the colors in different lighting.
Canvas measures 20x20. Painted on a lightweight canvas that is ready to hang with finished sides or can be framed.
A bold bouquet of pink roses set against a patterned background. Hand-painted canvas using high-quality, thick acrylic paints applied with a brush in dark grey, pink, bright green and touches of blue. Text is handpainted and reads Yeah, but what if it all works out? Each piece has been sealed. Photographed indoors and out to see the colors in different lighting.
Canvas measures 20x20. Painted on a lightweight canvas that is ready to hang with finished sides or can be framed.
A bold bouquet of pink roses set against a patterned background. Hand-painted canvas using high-quality, thick acrylic paints applied with a brush in dark grey, pink, bright green and touches of blue. Text is handpainted and reads Yeah, but what if it all works out? Each piece has been sealed. Photographed indoors and out to see the colors in different lighting.
Canvas measures 20x20. Painted on a lightweight canvas that is ready to hang with finished sides or can be framed.